If you read my blog last week you will remember that I read the first half of the 5th Wave, but you will not remember that I lied about part of it. I thought this wouldn't be something I would need to tell you about the book, but it turns out that in the second half/end of the story it is more relevant. The book switches off from different characters in different points of view. I was surprised/confused about the book when it first changed point of view because no one told me about it, but I will spare you from some of the confusion of the first chapters and say that every once in a while it changes the 'protagonist,' and also the point of view the story is told from (first or third person).
If you didn't read my post last week, than that paragraph was unnecessary. This is actually a really good book, and I understand why everyone is giving it such high approval. In the first half or so, I thought it was going to be just another book with aliens invading earth because their home planet is dying (which is part of the plot) but the author actually filled the characters up with feeling and human-ness. In my previous blog, I didn't really recommend this book, but now my feelings for it have changed, and I think everyone in the class is able to read it, and should read it.
I have heard a lot of good things about this book. I try to read it on week. thanks for the suggestion.