Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 31 Reading

   "Mark Twain Short Stories" by Mark Twain
   This past week, I read a collection of short stories written by Mark Twain, and though some of them were out-dated, they were pretty interesting and I now know what kind of a writer Mark Twain is. In many of them he used analogies and folk tales to tell his stories, which were mainly about everyday people in life, and short-lasting challenges. These were not like SOLs however, most of them ranging in a couple of days in length.
    The stories were not as long as I expected, most of just taking up five-six pages. I thought taking the depth and the lengths of Mark Twain's books into account, that they would be long and dry mini-novels about things that not many people in the day and age can relate to. It was fairly hard to relate to these stories however, because he wrote all of them in his modern day which was the fifties and sixties. These were quite interesting and odd stories from the past, and if you are up for it I would recommend you read these classic, pioneering short stories.

     Happy last blog of the year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 30 Reading


    "Lone Survivor" by Patrick Robinson and Marcus Luttrell
    This past week I read a really good non fiction military book called Lon Survivor. A movie adaption came out in 2013, so you might recognize it. It is the story of Marcus Luttrell, who was the leader of Seal Team 10, and his journey on operation Redwing. It very well describes the action and emotional significance in war.
      This is during the Iraq war, and many missions were organized to retaliate against September 11th, by killing the leaders of Al Qaeda. As I said this was a very well written book (better than most eyewitness accounts), and I recommend this for everyone comfortable with war stories. If you have seen the movie, you know that this is a very scary and unsettling story with lots  of violence, so on second thought I only recommend this for kids in their second year of AS. We should honor these stories.

     Next week I will read Mark Twain Short Stories.